Dear ODY families,
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the unexpected passing of Mr. Jeffrey Rupp, our beloved science teacher at Owen D. Young Central School. We learned today that Mr. Rupp passed away last night.
Mr. Rupp was a dedicated educator at ODY for nearly 20 years. He impacted the lives of many students, inspiring an enthusiasm for science and technology and a love for learning. Mr. Rupp was known for his ability to engage students with hands-on lessons and always made himself available for those seeking extra help. He connected with students outside the classroom as an advisor for the Science Club, the RoboCats Club (robotics), the National Junior Honor Society, backstage for the drama club, and while serving as a class advisor for the Classes of 2011 and 2022. He also supported our student athletes as scorekeeper and modified basketball and soccer coach. Mr. Rupp was continuously exploring new and emerging technologies, which he readily integrated into his science lessons. His passion for technology inspired him to launch the extremely popular Drone Club last year.
A highly regarded faculty member, Mr. Rupp served as the treasurer for the ODY Teachers' Union. He viewed the ODY community as family, and we will miss him tremendously.
We know this news will be difficult to process and want to assure you that support is available for our students and staff during this challenging time. Counselors will be checking in with all classes tomorrow morning. Counselors will continue to be available for anyone who may need additional support in the coming days and weeks. Additional resources are outlined below to assist you in supporting your children at home.
If your child expresses concerns or questions, please encourage them to talk to their teacher or a counselor. You can also reach out to the school office if you need further assistance.
We ask that you keep Mr. Rupp's family and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Brennan Fahey
Christine Tucker
Resources to help children with grief
Childhood Traumatic Grief: Youth Information Sheet
Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event
Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers
NIH: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events